2015년 12월 17일 목요일

FO-MBR의 막오염에 대한 논문

Comparison of biofouling mechanisms between cellulose triacetate (CTA) and thin-film composite (TFC) polyamide forward osmosis membranes in osmotic membrane bioreactors

Xinhua Wang, Yanxiao Zhao, Bo Yuan, Zhiwei Wang, Xiufen Li, , , Yueping Ren
(Bioresource Technology Volume 202, February 2016, Pages 50–58)


There are two types of popular forward osmosis (FO) membrane materials applied for researches on FO process, cellulose triacetate (CTA) and thin film composite (TFC) polyamide. However, performance and fouling mechanisms of commercial TFC FO membrane in osmotic membrane bioreactors (OMBRs) are still unknown. In current study, its biofouling behaviors in OMBRs were investigated and further compared to the CTA FO membrane. The results indicated that β-d-glucopyranose polysaccharides and microorganisms accounted for approximately 77% of total biovolume on the CTA FO membrane while β-d-glucopyranose polysaccharides (biovolume ratio of 81.1%) were the only dominant biofoulants on the TFC FO membrane. The analyses on the biofouling structure implied that a tighter biofouling layer with a larger biovolume was formed on the CTA FO membrane. The differences in biofouling behaviors including biofoulants composition and biofouling structure between CTA and TFC FO membranes were attributed to different membrane surface properties.


Osmotic membrane bioreactor; Cellulose triacetate; Thin-film composite; Forward osmosis; Biofouling


FO를 이용한 MBR에서 biofouling에서 일어나는 현상에 대한 연구가 많이 진행되는 듯. 본 논문에서는 CTA 막과 TFC 막을 비교. 두 막의 표면 특성이 달라서 막오염 현상이 다르게 일어남 (TFC가 더 빨리 안좋아짐). 처리수의 수질은 크게 차이 나지 않음.

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